Yes, I know that’s about as overused as a title can be for an April fitness blog post, but let’s talk about regeneration and renewal – oh, there I go again (sorry). Bear with me.

If you feel like you’ve been too inactive during the winter, perhaps added a few unwanted pounds, and now you’re ready to get back on the path toward a healthier and more energetic you, here are seven steps to help you along the way:

1. Make a Plan

It’s important to have a goal. Think about what you’d like to change and form a concrete vision of success. Rather than a vague wish to lose some weight, try saying; “I will lose 5 pounds by the 4th of July”. Having a commitment to an end result will provide both motivation and focus.

2. Start Slowly

If you’ve been inactive for any length of time, it’s imperative to warm up. That applies daily – walk for 5-10 minutes and do some light stretches before diving into the toughest portion of your workout, and to the overall regimen as well – don’t try to walk your fastest mile or lift your target goal weight during the first couple of weeks.

2. Love (or at least LIKE) Your Workout

If you can find an activity that you enjoy and that also benefits your health and fitness, you’re FAR more likely to stick to it. Find a friend to take walks in the mornings, get a small group together for regular pickle ball games (my favorite), or challenge a family member to see who can cover more miles next month on that treadmill in the basement. Being accountable to other people and/or engaging in a competition will, once again, provide motivation and focus – two important factors in overall success.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (The CDC) recommends 150 minutes of exercise per week. That might sound like a lot. But if you’re enjoying the time, it will go quickly. And you can break it up into five 30-minute walks or play an hour and a half of pickleball on each weekend day – either plan works!

3. Mix It Up

Even a fitness activity that you enjoy could become stale, boring, and therefore neglected. Add a little variety in the things you do to be active this spring. Maybe take some morning walks AND play a little pickle ball. Whatever works for you.

4. Hydrate

(I was going to say “Drink”, but since this is a fitness blog, I want to be clear) The vast majority of people don’t drink enough water, even when sedentary. You’re going to need to increase your intake when exercising. Water replaces the fluid you lose by sweating and water is crucial in the process of breaking down your body’s nutrients for energy production and muscle repair.

5. Rest

“What…rest?” Yes, surprise! If you’re starting (or getting back into) a regular fitness routine, your body will need adequate recovery time. One of the surest ways to fail to hit your overall goal is to do too much in any given workout so that you’re sore for days afterward, or to do too many workouts on too many consecutive days and get burnt out or demotivated. The 150 minutes of exercise per week may have sounded like a lot. But when you knock out that number by doing things you enjoy, congratulate yourself and enjoy your down time. You truly are making progress.

6. Develop a Fitness Mindset

Once you’ve set your goal and launched into a regular routine, start to see yourself as a “fitness person”. Take a couple of flights of stairs instead of using the elevator. Park in a space 40 yards from the grocery store and walk for 30 seconds each way. Stand up while you talk on the phone. Doing these easy little things will not only add to your weekly total of active minutes, but change your outlook toward exercise, and soon enough, your overall health and fitness.

At Premier Fitness Source, we not only offer equipment with unmatched value, but our certified consultants can also assist you with any part of your journey – from space planning and 3D design, to product selection, installation, maintenance, and repair. We’re even happy to help by creating your ideal workout routine or providing advice on diet and nutrition. Call or stop by one of our four locations today!

Premier Fitness Source – Serving You from Start to Fitness